Sanctuary of Morrigu "I saw when the stars fell, So graceful and unholy When a dissonant light drowned into oblivion And then came him Burnt black wings A sight burning into our minds And then I knelt Lifting my head Awaiting the death come.."
Entries "Blank Mirror":
Confessions and rambles of a reflection

Thursday, October 7, 2004

Pecker Heads

I put in a good word for a friend of mine, thinking he could rise above his ex girlfriends childish games, and I was WRONG! He started talking trash about her out of anger, and yes I understand. But once I put a good word in for you, to take care of the problem, you have just proven to the others I'm a liar, because your doing what I said you WERENT doing....if that makes sense. So he is now done venting and blaming his problems on her and I have to say this; Yes, she was a bitch, but she ISNT the one causing his termoil now. He is wollowing in his own self pity and not allowing him self to get on with his life. Yes, he is better now, and I'm glad. I adore him but shit of the holy...

Next on the Pecker heads list is Leo. I loathe Leo. With everything that I am infact. Leo is a two faced fucker head who lies. My best friend Resin, is my honey. I love her, she is the sweetest thing at least to me. Leo is also fond of her. yet he complains about how much he cant stand me to her, and how he only puts up with me because she loves me and would pick me over him anyday. Anyways,then he comes to me, and tells me how much he cares for me and how I'm his friend. Ok number one, I dont like Leo, I never have, never will. Two, I dont give a blue flying rats ass, if you care about me or not. DONT WASTE YOUR TIME! So then we get into this discussion about Mark, and how much he is a child molesting fuck, and then Leo asks if he has tried anything with me....ITS NONE OF YOUR GOD DAMN BUSINESS!


So back to the subject. I love my Frosty, Dak, and Tigger very much. They know my life and its there business what goes on with me, if its affecting my relationship with them. Or in this case causing self distruction on myself. I'm so sick of being treated like shit, so you know what people? I will treat you like shit till you can learn how to respect me, and treat me at LEAST civil.

And to top it all off.. my Yearly is this month....Joy...

Currently playing: I hate you.
Current mood: Angry

»10:52 AM    »Write comment    

Posted by: Morrigu
Monday, October 4, 2004

Just a few inches...

So tomorrow or Tuesday, depending on how busy I am, I'll be getting my hair cut. I havent cut my hair in...two year? So its rather long, and wavey, almost curly. I'm excited but still very nervus because I havent EVER had my hair that short, except when I was 5...and that just...-grumbles- being 5 with no figure and SHORT hair, makes anyone look like a little boy, and chines people rub it in. So yes, this is more or less what it will look like: Short and spiky in the back, shortish in the front and it will .....I will just get a damn picture..

I've got a lot of conflict on my mind right now and none of the conclusions I have come up with are pleasing me at all. I'll give it more time.

I'm ready to kill Pipers boyfriend. He can be such a fucking prick. He needs to just back off! She has a life, she doesnt want to be tied down right now, and she ISNT his wife! Christ the boy just need to go wack off or something. Resin cheers me up everyday. her being so protective of me makes me happy and its good to know that she loves me. -Snoogz-

I packed more shit in storage today. I think I may have to rent out another storage unit because this one is almost filled. I have to meet the Gym people tomorrow because they are buying my weight bench, gym at home thing for 600, and I paid 1300 for it. At least I dont have to hall its heavey ass to my new house. Mike and Krissy came over to help me today move more shit into the storage unit which was very nice of them. At least some people like to help.

Not much else to say.

Currently playing: Famous Last Words by Zeromancer
Current mood: Bored

»3:51 AM    »Write comment    

Posted by: Morrigu
Modified on October 4, 2004 at 3:53 AM
Saturday, October 2, 2004

My Black Goddess:

So full of Pain, the thoughts inside,
It hurts so much, these tears I've cried.
You make me feel like life's worth living,
My heart to you, I'm fully giving.

I feel for you, like never before,
But I just wish I could be more,
I'll be the man I want to be,
Just please have patience, babe you'll see,
I'll get my confidence soon, don't stress,
A few more weeks, and I'll progress,
I'll get the strength to fight my plague,
Self-image now just seems so vague.

My honesty always comes for free,
These words I say, my guarantee,
It felt so good those words you said,
I sit here and it's tears I shed,
I want to never be apart,
For you now fully own my heart.

I know that we have far to go,
But what I feel for you I know,
Could be love in some kind of form,
We'll find out soon, once I transform.


Isnt he sweet! He wrote that for me today, and it means a lot. The most simple of things, make my day. Thank you Luna

Anyways, so the rest of my day has been lazy. I went to the book shop and got a few books for a bit of light reading. I have to call Jeff tomorrow to have him, Mike, or Tom come out and fix my AC. Shit of the holy its hot in here, and all the windows are open and it STILL doesnt help.

My Piper got me some custom art done! Big kisses for her! Love you Pipy!!

Currently playing: Velvet Revolver
Current mood: Happy

»3:01 AM    »Write comment    

Posted by: Morrigu
Friday, October 1, 2004

Time to hit the Broom closet!

Its finally here! October! Beautiful weather here so far. Its been nice and cool, with gentle breezes. The leaves are starting to turn color. As soon as the majority of the trees have turned colors, I'm going to drive into the mountains and get pictures, and post them.

So I'm fighting off something. My glands are swollen so big under my jaw...ugh..its painful! So I spent most of my day lounging around in bed, reading, sleeping, and reading some more. And now I'm retreating for food.


Current mood: Bored

»9:01 PM    »Write comment    

Posted by: Morrigu
Thursday, September 30, 2004


Ok, so sense 10pm yesterday I've been up and going. I'm ready to crash and burn at this point but I must keep awake, so that I can attempt to regain control over my sleeping patterns. So as soon as 10pm comes around again, I shall take some sleeping pills and with any lucky, my ass will be out

I'm still very upset and emotional over the whole draft bit that Bush plans to issue. Ages 18-35 men and women. -Sigh- 18 is to young to die, and even 35 is as well! We are killing our own people for the sake of power! The attack against the middle east and terrorist began in 2001 when the suicide bombers distroyed the Twin Towers. Now its about who has more fire power, man power, and who has the better religion, and idea of how things should be ran. Yes- the middle east should have just kept to them selves and left the US alone. But by us going over there with our guns and bombs, plains and tanks, we only add to the drama. You look at the man you shoot as your enemy, but others, look at them as a friend, a father, mother, sister, or brother. Take pitty on them.

I read Pipers diary yesterday and it brought me to tears. She cares so much for me and I care so much for her. She thinks so little of her self. Yes, in the past, we have had a bumpy road and we have both made our mistakes, but that hasnt made her any less than how wonderful she is! To top it off with a cherry, she's pagan and really wants to live her life as a pagan. She studies it and plans on starting a family and bring up her children with the morals of a true pagan. I want to be by her side when we are old and have our own children one day, and smile, at how far we have come along our path in friendship and in the craft of the goddess. Piper truely is part of my soul. Without her in the mix, I would never be complete.

Its so hard to hide information from someone you care for greatly. Susan has no idea that her boyfriend Chris, is using her as a cash cow, and to run her website. He lies to her, goes behind her back, and tries to get down any womans pants he can get his hands on! Susan is a stubborn woman and is very emotionally insecure. She wont listen to anyone. Its frustrating.

My trust with Luna is falling, the more I speak to people that have known him longer than myself. I've known him for 3 months. Some thigns just arent settling well with me, and he is very aggressive, and can be violent. I'm worried...and parshally scared. Many of my friends are scared he is going to hurt me, and I'm starting to think that he may. Physically and emotionally. But I hope not, I hope that he is just going through a rough time and soon it will all even out.

She is in the trees
The wind the breeze
A silent whisper to your ear
A song for you she wants to hear
She is the sun the moon
The ripple of water in a midnight lagoon
A tender kiss on your cheek at night
From the stars above that twinkle so bright
She is the mountains so high
Where the eagles cry
And the valley below the hills
With her love and magic she fills
She is the blossom in early spring
The morning song a dove sings
Her arms embrace you by the light of the sun
She is the speed of the tiger as it runs
She comes to as the maiden mother and crowne
The warrior in a womans heart, with a bronze tone
Where ever you are she watches you close
She loves you, and you alone, the most
-Morrigu 2004
"The Mother"

Current mood: Sceptical

»10:04 PM    »Write comment    

Posted by: Morrigu
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